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Pineapple: King of the Fruits

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by Barbara Simonsohn

Translated by Frédéric Patenaude

Pineapple: king of the fruits,” was the title of a wonderful book by Ericht Hinkrichs, an international sale director for the Dole Company, and a pineapple-expert. For hundreds of years pineapples have been seen essentially as an expensive and rare fruit. Oviedo wrote: “It is the most delicious fruit in existence,” and “it is a luxury of the Gods and should only be piked by the Venus.” During the 18th and 19th Centuries, pineapple were grown in heated greenhouses throughout England. They were prized by rich people and were used as a table decoration and a symbol for hospitality and luxury. They were so rare and expensive until the end of the 19th century, that they were passed along and borrowed in the noble circles, to decorate many feasts.

Pineapples are not a rarity anymore. In spite of that, the Germans eat on average only 200 grams of fresh pineapple per person, per year. What a sad fact, when we know all the health benefits this fruit has. Its vitamin and enzyme content make it truly a healthy food, with many healing properties. However, the canned pineapples, that many Germans prefer in this form, is a factory product not to be recommended. Like many other exotic fruits, the pineapple is a true “enzyme bomb,” and its properties regarding cleansing, detoxification, alkalinizing effects, purification of the intestines and the blood, are unsurpassed by any other fruit.

The home of the pineapple is the area of Mato-Grosso in the tropical South America, where it can still be found today as a small, wild plant, with multiple, dark-brown, rice-grain-sized seeds. Thevét writes already in 1558: “The fruit, which is used by the native American as medecine, is called ‘Nana.’” “Nana” means “delicious fruit.” This is how the Native Americans from the Amazon named the pineapple. Still today they venerate the fruit with a clamorous pineapple-feast, during which everyone is costumed, dancing and singing. Throughout Latin America the pineapple has been for a long time “prescribed” as a healing fruit for colds, inflammation, menopause complaints, to heal bad wounds, eliminate parasites in the interstines, for fever, asthma, sexually transmitted diseases, constipation, gasses, and abscesses. This incredibly wide spectrum of uses has been confirmed by the modern natural healers, which have rediscovered the pineapple as the effective, holistic, and safe “Swiss Army Knife of the Alternative Medecine.”

Columbus did not only discover America, but he did also discover the pineapple in 1493 in Guadeloupe. It was brought to him by the inhabitants if this West-Indian island as a welcome gift. Columbus brought a few fruits with him to Europe and gave them to King Ferdinand, who after a little bit of initial hesitation, called it “the best-tasting fruit of the world.” In 1558 the French missionary Jean de Levy described the pineapple in his book, “Cannibalism in Brasil” as a “healing plant for many diseases.” The Spanish and Portuguese seamen brought it as provision on the ships with them, because it could prevent scurvies and many other health problems. This way the pineapple propagated itself fast along the roads of navigation of the tropical and subtropical world.

What “inner values” make the pineapple such a healing fruit, which can also be of invaluable help for the prevention of diseases? Apart from biotin, vitamin B12 and vitamin E, the pineapple contains the entire range of vitamins and 16 minerals, including iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnanese, and iodine. The pineapple is particularly rich in beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), vitamin C, and B-complex vitamins. With all these vital nutrients, 100 grams of this tropical fruits only contain 50 calories. An element particularly useful for dealing with various health problems, is bromelain, the enzyme that is found in high amounts in pineapples, and has a the property of breaking down proteins. Bromelain lowers high blood-pressure, strengthens the digestion, and purifies the blood. Proteolytic enzymes are capaple to loosen up protein residues and parasites (worms) in the wall of the intestines and expell them. Because of this, remedies containing bromelain are used a lot for elderly people in the USA. Fresh pineapple is also effective!

Bromelain may, along with another enzyme found in pineapples (Pexoxidase), stop the growth of cancer cells, hinder the formation of metastases, cancer cells, and thus make the defences of the body effective again. The benefits of plant enzymes are that they attack sick tissues, without damaging the good ones. And even after years of use there is no physical dependance on the products.

Bromelain drains, purges, and detoxifies. Because of this the pineapple is particularly loved and treasured as a “diet fruit” for losing weight. The numerous minerals contained in it help bring our body in a good acid-alkaline balance. Bromelain balances the hormonal levels, and because of this it is very useful for women with menstruation problems, or PMS. Pineapples helps to thin the blood, and improves the circulation in the brain. Due to its high tryptophan and seretonine content, the pineapple affects positively the mood and helps with depression feelings, low drive and lack of concentration. Pineapple helps us, nutritionally, to “keep our spirits,” and makes it easier for us to kick unhealthy habits.

Eating half or an entire pineapple a day, preferably organically-grown, would be ideal to prevent diseases such as high blood-pressure, clogging up of arteries, rheumatism, and cancer. With a little patience, someone could easily grow pineapple near the windows. The method to do it is explained in my book on the pineapple (available only in German and French at the moment — editor). With a ripe apple, you can induce the blossoming, and after 22 to 24 months, you can look forward to have your own organically grown pineapple fruit.Even pineapple-based cosmetics can be simply made at home. Pineapple creams smooth and rejuvenate the skin. In the USA there are many lines of natural cosmetics based on pineapples. The pineapple is a secret of rejuvenation and beauty, both externally and internally, and should have a place of choice in your own personal health program.

Original title of the article:
“Die Ananas, Königin der Früchte.”

Barbara has written an entire book on the pineapple in German (“Die sagenhafte Heilkraft der Ananas”), which is really interesting. She also has written books on the papaya, barley-grass juice, AFA algae, the five Tibetans, Stevia, and Reiki. Her books on the pineapple and stevia have been translated into French, and her book on Papaya into English. Her next book to be translated into English is on barley-grass juice.

More information on Barbara’s books can be found at:
Her book “The Healing Power of Papaya,” which we highly recommend, can be purchased from Nature’s First Law.

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